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Eastern memories trailer from g j ramstedtin maailma an unexpected road movie into the far east of mongolia and japan told by a dead finn from the distant north G j ramstedtin maailma 2018 imdb directed by martti kaartinen niklas kullström with frank skog michael oflaherty a journey through mongolia japan china and south korea narrated by the journals of finnish linguist diplomat and journeyman gj ramstedt 18731950 Eastern memories g j ramstedtin maailma cineuropa cineuropa lo mejor del cine europeo crítica women make film a new road movie through cinema 2018 G j ramstedtin maailma trailer on vimeo g j ramstedtin maailma on odottamaton matka syvälle henkien mongoliaan ja tulevaisuuden japaniin unohdetun suomalaisen suurmiehen johdattamana winner monterrey iff 2018 best international feature documentary winner yala iiff 2019 best documentary awarded kathmandu imff 2018 3rd jury prize awarded dokubaku idff 2018 3rd jury prize
G j ramstedtin maailma trailer g j ramstedtin maailma on odottamaton matka syvälle henkien mongoliaan ja tulevaisuuden japaniin unohdetun suomalaisen suurmiehen johdattamana cphdox 2018 in competition tampereen G j ramstedtin maailma 2018 release info imdb g j ramstedtin maailma 2018 release info showing all 15 items jump to release dates 11 also known as aka 4 release dates finland 30 january 2018 docpoint helsinki finland 30 january 2018 docpoint helsinki premiere finland 8 march 2018 Spell reel 2017 imdb directed by filipa césar filipa césar turns his gaze to guineabissau where at the beginning of the 1970s the advocates of a militant cinema captured the freedom struggle and the first years of independence Východní vzpomínky g j ramstedtin maailma 2018 finský lingvista gustaf ramstedt dostal jednoho dne nabídku odjet do vzdálené východní země mongolska aby zde studoval místní jazyky a jejich spřízněnost s ugrofinskými jazyky nabraný východní kurz zásadně ovlivnil jeho budoucnost zpětně