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Vaxxed ii the peoples truth 2019 rotten tomatoes in 2016 a media firestorm erupted when tribeca film festival abruptly censored its documentary selection vaxxed from coverup to catastrophe amid pressure from propharmaceutical interests in The official vaxxed ii the peoples truth trailer the official vaxxed ii the peoples truth trailer vaxxed tv loading 2019 please help this womans stunning camper van is the best ive ever seen duration Vaxxed from coverup to catastrophe in 2014 biologist dr brian hooker received a call from a senior scientist at the us centers for disease control and prevention cdc who led the agencys Vaxxed ii the peoples truth documentary tickets wed in vaxxed ii the peoples truth polly and the team travel over 50000 miles in the usa and around the world interviews of parents and doctors with nothing to gain and everything to lose expose the vaccine injury epidemic and ask the question on every parents mind are vaccines really as safe and effective as weve been told