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Seven Wonders of the Ancient World 2020

Seven Wonders of the Ancient World 2020

Seven Wonders of the Ancient World (2020) Detalles

  • Título original: Seven Wonders of the Ancient World
  • Estreno: 2020-04-30
  • Duración: * minutos
  • Votar: 0 por 0 usuarios
  • Género: Documentary
  • Reparto:
  • Lenguaje original: English
  • Palabras clave: world wonders

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Seven Wonders of the Ancient World 2020

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Verdens syv underværker wikipedia den frie encyklopædi resterne af ruinen kan fortsat ses ved byen selcuk i tyrkiet mausoleet blev ødelagt af jordskælv i 1400tallet efterfølgende blev byggematerialerne brugt til at opføre den nærliggende borg i bodrum enkelte artefakter fra mausoleet kan ses på british museum kolossen stod i blot 56 år indtil et jordskælv knækkede benene på den 7 wonders of the world inicio facebook 7 wonders of the world 1957 me gusta 6 personas están hablando de esto sitio web Seven wonders of the ancient world wikipedia the seven wonders of the world or the seven wonders of the ancient world is a list of remarkable constructions of classical antiquity given by various authors in guidebooks or poems popular among ancient hellenic tourists although the list in its current form did not stabilise until the renaissance the first such lists of seven wonders date from the 2nd1st century bc The seven wonders of the ancient world worldatlas we have proof that this is an ancient tradition as there are numerous references in ancient texts to greek poet antipater of sidons seven wonders of the world antipater who came from a city that still exists in modern lebanon wrote his list around 140 bce so we know that the first listicle is at least 2155 years old

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